
John mayer where the light is reddit
John mayer where the light is reddit

Very few people knew that song at the time but i had a bootleg of it from the early eddies attic days and recognized it after he played the harmonic note. On in your atmosphere after he plays the first guitar line you can hear a guy yell out rather loudly wooooo, that my friends, was 17 year old me. He then joked about how it was the most expensive concert blooper footage of all time. On one song, i forget which one, Rene brought him the wrong guitar and they started the song with John's guitar in the wrong key. But anyway, those songs never made it onto the DVD He played Bigger than my Body, No Such Thing, and i believe he played In Repair as well though im not 100% sure about that one now, may have been just a snippet or something but i could have sworn he played the whole song.


John kept apologizing during the full band set for how long the concert was running over but obviously people there were thrilled and didn't care. Here's some things you don't see on the DVD. With the breaks and set changes the concert was over 3 hours long. There was no trickery, he didn't play songs multiple times to get the best take or anything like that, it played out like a normal concert, just an exceptionally long one. He came out and did his acoustic set, then the trio, then the full band. The concert happened pretty much as the DVD plays out. There were large cameras on cranes everywhere. I was sat 6 rows back off to the right hand side if you are facing the stage. It was a relatively small theater, probably around 7,000 seats. Me and my date arrived early at the theater, it was raining that night and we knew how bad LA traffic could be. I knew since this was his first official live recording since Any Given Thursday that he would bring his A++ game, so i asked my parents for tickets for my 17th birthday. Lucky for me, the Nokia was a brand new theater in LA and was about an hour and a half drive from my house. I saw an ad on his website that he would be playing a one off "charity revue" show at the Nokia theater and he would be recording it for an official release. I was a big fan of John's at the time (still am obviously) and would check his website regularly for news and updates, this was the era before social media was a big thing, and this is how you had to stay updated with artist music releases etc. I still call it the best concert i've ever been to. You can find really rudimentary cell phone video from the concert on youtube if you go on youtube and search john mayer nokia theater 2007. I posted this long explanation on another thread that asked the same question

John mayer where the light is reddit